How the right domain name builds customer trust


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When you are setting up your business and developing your brand, you need to establish recognition, trust and loyalty with your customers so that you get their attention and turn them into repeat customers who develop an ongoing relationship with your brand.

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This is something you need to work hard at to make sure it gets noticed and that your customers trust your brand and stay loyal.

When you think about your target customers, you need to consider what type of branding is likely to appeal and get their attention. Your brand should have a tone and style that is easily recognised, from the visual elements, fonts and colours to the type of language and exchanges you use. These can either reflect a fun and spontaneous personality or something more considered and serious, depending on the nature of your business.

One of the most important parts of building your customer’s trust is choosing the right domain. Here’s why:

Recognition and trust

Take every opportunity you can to get the name of your business noticed. Getting the name right and using it in your email addresses means that as soon as your customers see the branding, they will trust your business and open your emails rather than simply pressing delete because they are not sure who they are from.

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Choosing the name

You can go to a domain name provider such as and play around with choosing the name that is right for your business. Sites will generally suggest alternatives if the name you want isn’t available, but be careful not to let it become too obscure. It is tempting to modify spellings (x instead of cks, for example) or keep adding words to the domain until you get something that is available; however, you risk it becoming difficult to remember the name if there are too many words.

Keep it simple and relevant

When you choose your domain, go for something that reflects the nature of your business and make it easy to remember and spell. Domain names that are too long and complicated get forgotten and your customers can’t find you. Don’t make it too cryptic; for example, if you sell walking boots and your name clearly reflects this, the walkers you are targeting are more likely to respond and trust you because your name appeals to them.