Safely Driving on the Motorway this Summer


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When you go on holiday, the chances are you are going to have to drive on the motorway at some point. In the summer months, the motorways in the UK can become busy with holidaymakers heading off to the coast or to the airport for their flight abroad, so special care is needed when you are driving on these roads to reduce your risk of an accident.

Here are some of the things you can do when you are driving to help you have a safe and pleasant journey…

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Watch your Speed – The speed limit on the motorway is 70 miles per hour, so you should not ever be exceeding this. However, if you are travelling with your caravan in tow, or a trailer, then you should not be going more than 60 miles per hour. As well as going too fast, you also need to be careful not to go too slowly, as this can result in you being fined for causing a danger on the motorway.

Be Aware of the Highway Code – It is a good idea to brush up on your highway code regularly so that you know what the laws of the motorway are. The highway code will cover all the things that you need to know when you are using the motorway, from what vehicles might have chapter 8 chevrons like this on them, to what certain signs on the road mean.

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Overtake Safely – Sometimes you will need to overtake on the motorway, such as when you are behind a lorry or a caravan that is going at a lower speed. When you are overtaking, always ensure that you do so safely and carefully. Check your mirrors thoroughly and only do so when there is a safe enough gap – remember that the vehicles behind you are moving faster on the motorway so factor this in before you overtake.

Take a Break – One of the biggest dangers when driving on the motorway is tiredness, as this can cause you to zone out and not pay enough attention to the road. Driving on a long straight road for some time can also be monotonous and cause you to feel tired. There are service stations all over the motorways, so look out for the signs for them and plan your rest stops.