How PTA’s support schools


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PTA’s or Parent and Teacher Associations are significant to schools for lots of different reasons, and they can form an integral part of the school community. Here are some of the ways that PTA’s can support the wider school community.

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Feedback – it is important that schools receive feedback from their communities so that they can carry on improving the school environment both from an educational perspective and also from the facilities they provide. PTA’s can be a good conduit for providing feedback, but it is important that this is carried out in an appropriate way.

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Events – lots of PTA’s hold events both for the students in the school and for their families. These can include school summer fetes and Christmas gatherings. In some cases, this could also be events such as visits by Father Christmas and end-of-term surprises such as pantomimes and summer activities. These events can be populated onto the school website to gather interest. It is important that a school website is built by professionals like those from who build Websites for schools.

Fundraising – one of the main functions of a PTA is to help raise funds for the school. This can be to hold events like the ones mentioned above, or it could be to find the money for equipment that is needed. In some cases, this could be equipment such as items for the playground, or it could be access to new computers or musical instruments.