How to set yourself up as a trainer


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Working as a trainer or a coach can be incredibly rewarding, especially as you can help others grow with confidence in whatever subject you decide to share. There are a number of ways that you can establish yourself as a trainer and it is important that you think about what subjects or skills you want to help people with. You can coach and train people in everything from skills like customer service, through to hobbies and interests such as arts and crafts. It is important to ensure that you feel confident enough to share your knowledge and Train The Trainer Courses like the ones from the College of Public Speaking can be a great place to start.

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Once you have decided what skills or knowledge you are going to share with others you should think about how you are going to go about doing this. This might mean setting up in-person sessions in a local community centre or in a larger venue and then inviting people to attend. The sessions could be over a period of weeks or you may have an intensive day or two instead.

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Other ways of holding training sessions can include online sessions where you can invite people from all over the world through to pre-recorded sessions that you might then promote on a website or through a membership model.