What is PTSD?


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PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is referred to as a mental condition which is the result of an individual experiencing some form of traumatic event. This may be a first-hand experience such as a car accident or some form of abuse, or it could be second-hand by witnessing someone else suffering a traumatic incident.

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Defining PTSD

One important factor to consider, particularly when looking at undergoing trauma informed practice training in order to be able to identify and assist individuals with PTSD, is that it can emerge in many different ways and will often show itself differently in different people. Symptoms can be dramatically influential on a person’s day-to-day life or they may rarely appear above the surface.

Someone who has received specific training, such as that offered at www.tidaltraining.co.uk/mental-health-training-courses/trauma-informed-practice-training, will be in a stronger position when it comes to identifying symptoms and also knowing what treatments may be available to support the PTSD sufferer.

Tackling PTSD

As noted above, there are opportunities for individuals to become trained in terms of identifying and helping those suffering with PTSD. There is often a need for medical intervention, particularly where the PTSD is deep-rooted or where particularly strong symptoms are being shown, including suicidal tendencies.

Where there are immediate concerns about the health of the individual or where a full assessment is necessary to identify the extent of the PTSD, medical intervention should always be obtained first.

Alongside medical intervention, there are numerous ways in which a trained professional can support someone suffering from PTSD. Training members of staff or members of a social group can be very helpful when it comes to identifying where there is a need for additional intervention and also in supporting those suffering from PTSD alongside any other treatment they may be receiving.

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Being a trained individual in dealing with trauma will enable a safe space for those battling trauma-based issues. They will also be the crucial triage point if matters are either not resolving themselves or are escalating for some reason.

Gaining insight and training is also a valuable skill that will likely permeate all aspects of life.