The Most Exciting Ideas in Architecture Today

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A new year is a time to set goals, and the most exciting trends often challenge the status quo. So here are some unique ideas shaping the future of architecture to inspire your designs this year.

Repurposed Buildings

Regarding architecture, recycling and reuse are one of the most important trends in our industry. When buildings are often repurposed, they become more energy efficient and help the environment. This is also a way for architects to create unique buildings from existing structures. For more information on Residential Architects London, visit

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Harnessing Nature

A fascinating trend in architecture is using earth materials, such as mud, clay, and other natural products. These raw materials have been used for centuries and are very environmentally friendly.

3D Printed Architecture

In an age when printing is becoming more popular, architects are using this technology to create more sustainable buildings. This allows for fewer steps in the design process and less waste during construction.

Vertical City building

Another huge architectural trend is the rise of taller and more efficient buildings, and this is because livable space is shrinking. This is an excellent thing for architects because they can have more room to work with and make designs more creative.

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Afaina de Jong

Architect Afaina de Jong leads AFARAI, a spatial design and strategy agency that works to represent people and cultural movements that are not traditionally represented in architectural form. She aims to bring the existing city into her designs and create more inclusive spaces for everyone.