Preparing for Storms and Strong Winds this Winter


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In the UK we are used to bad weather, and as autumn and winter arrive, the weather takes a turn for the worse. One of the things that this time of year brings with it is storms with strong winds, which can cause a lot of damage and disruption as well as a danger to life.

Knowing what to do when strong winds are forecast can not only make your life easier but could also save your life!

Firstly, check your garden – loose objects should be put away if possible or secured down – things like garden furniture, outdoor toys like trampolines and any garden equipment all need to be secured before a storm. If possible put them inside a garage or a shed, if not tether them down to the ground securely.

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Make sure that any outdoor structures are sound and capable of standing up to the storm. Call in a professional like this fencing Cheltenham based company to replace a weak fence before the storm arrives as it could cause a lot of damage if it blows down during the storm. You should also check sheds and greenhouses to make sure that they are not likely to be damaged by the storm.

If it is possible, park any vehicles in a place that is not under any tall trees that could be at risk of being blown down, if you have a garage, put your vehicle in there.

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Prepare to experience power cuts and disruption to services. Have back up supplies that you can use if the power goes out, such as torches and candles. Having a camping stove to hand is also useful to help you cook food if you need to whilst there is no power.

Keeping a supply of batteries to hand is also a good idea as this will enable you to use them to power radios and torches.

Make sure that you stay up to date with weather warnings too and avoid travelling during a storm unless it is urgent. You can find weather warnings online, on the Met office website or the local environment agency website. The tv and radio will also keep you up to date with any weather warnings that have been issued in your area.