Seven of the Best Web Design Practices


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When your website is competing in a saturated market, it’s essential that your web design follows best practices to make your site stand out from others and attract audiences. Here are seven best web design practices to follow.

  1. Keep Your Target Audience in Mind

At every stage of your website design, your target audience should be kept clearly in mind. It’s all too easy to get hung up on the concept of a site without thinking about the end user.

  1. Use High-Quality Images

Incorporating images into your website is recommended but pay attention to the quality of your images before you upload them. According to Business2Community, a poorly presented image will damage the impression people have of a brand.

  1. Consistent Branding

If you want your audiences to understand what you’re about as a brand, you need to reinforce this with your logo, messages and use of colours and fonts. You won’t achieve this if you don’t follow a consistent approach to your branding throughout your site, so pay attention to every detail.

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4. A Simplified Layout

An easy-to-navigate website with a simplified layout is one of the cornerstones of web design best practice. If you’ve got a lot to say on your site, this can be challenging to achieve, so consult a Brand Strategy Agency, such as for example, to get across what you want to say as succinctly as possible.

  1. Enhance the User Experience

A web designer must always step into the minds of the target audience when putting a site together so that the result enhances the user experience. Intuitive design, a compelling story and easy navigation help enhance the user experience.

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  1. Strong Call to Action

What do you want your website visitors to do? Once you’ve decided what the call to action should be, ensure that the design of your site makes it easy and obvious for the user to complete that desired call to action.

  1. Follow SEO Strategies

A visually appealing website on its own won’t bring the traffic in, so it’s vital that SEO best practice is followed as part of the web design process. This means the site should be designed to make it easier to find during searches using tactics such as internal linking, proper labelling and keeping site load times in check.